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                   Are You Firewise?

The greatest natural hazard in Grand County is wildfire. Grand Fire Protection District utilizes the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Ready, Set, GO! Wildland Fire Action Guide to help educate the community about wildland fire prevention, preparedness, mitigation, and survival.


You can also view parcel-specific assessments, community-specific assessments, and the community assessments that were completed as part of the 2023 Grand County CWPP project effort. Both the parcel-specific and community-specific assessments are completed by wildland firefighters from local fire departments

The Community and Parcel Wildfire Assessments are evaluations of wildfire risks conducted through drive-by assessments completed by wildland firefighters from local fire departments. These assessments help identify potential vulnerabilities in communities situated near wildland urban interface (WUI) areas where wildfires are a threat. Wildfire risk is categorized into levels of various ratings, ranging from low to moderate, high, very high, and extreme. If you would like to see the wildfire risks associated with your particular property, visit: 


If you would like more information or would like to request a free Wildfire Risk Assessment of your home and property, please fill out and submit the form below. We will contact you to set up an appointment.

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Please visit the Grand County Wildfire Council's website at for more information on how to protect your home and family from wildfire.

90% of wildfires are caused by humans. That means 90% of wildfires are preventable. Visit for more information. Only YOU can prevent wildfires!

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