Grand County Roadside Mitigation Project
Update: August 30, 2024
The Grand County Wildland Fire Team has had a busy summer and completed cutting and chipping along nearly all the roads designated in the CWPP, Crews will finish cutting along CR 55 this week, and they will be back to chip along CR 55 and CR 88 in early/mid-September. Over the next couple of weeks, crews will conduct drive-by home assessments in the Grand Lake area and finish assessments in the Winter Park Highlands.
Grand Fire and Grand Lake Fire in coordination with Grand County Wildfire Council and Grand County's Office of Emergency Management will be conducting a Roadside Mitigation project beginning the summer of 2024. This year's focus is the first phase of many roadside projects that will occur across Grand County. These projects were developed based on the findings of an evacuation route assessment in the 2023 Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The assessment identified hazards and choke points that could occur along roadways during a potential evacuation.
Crews will be in the identified areas thinning trees along the County Road's right-of-ways. Residents should expect five to ten minute road closures on occasion, and should use caution while crews are working in the area. Crews will leave woody debris piled on the roadside, and will return to chip them near the end of the project. The wood chips will be spread back along the roadside. Residents along the right-of-way are encouraged to limb up trees in their own Hazard Ignition Zone and leave the debris with other wood piles for the crews to chip. Residents not along the right-of-way can bring their woody debris to one of Five Community Chipping sites sponsored by Grand County Wildfire Council; dates, locations and material guidelines can be found on their website.
Mitigation Crews also have fire response responsibilities, so schedules are subject to change.
Residents along the planned project area are encouraged to sign up for updates and mitigation crews will send a weekly update on when and where they will be working.
If you would like to be added to the email list for upcoming dates on treatment areas, please click here!