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Short Term Rental Inspection Request

Grand Fire Protection District requires an annual inspection of Short Term Rentals to check for compliance.  Before requesting an inspection,  please check to make sure your property is located within our Fire Protection District here. Grand Fire's District is any property located within the yellow borders. Once you have confirmed that your property address is located within Grand Fire's Protection District, you may submit a preferred date, time, and payment for your inspection and allow 5-7 business days for us to confirm with you. We understand this is a confusing process, so if you have any questions or need guidance, please don't hesitate to contact us via phone (970-887-3380) or email (

Curious to know what our fire inspector will be looking for?

Check out our  STR Inspection Checklist here!

A few logistical items:

When filling out your inspection request form, please include a unit number for your property if your Short Term Rental is located within a larger "main" building (condo, apartment, etc.) This will streamline the administrative process and result in a faster appointment time for your inspection.

Please also remember to add "" to your list of contacts, as a lot of appointments have had to be rescheduled due to our confirmation emails being sent to spam or junk folders. 



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